Thursday, March 29, 2012

Almost. There!

Wow! I'm still in awe, and completely shocked. In about 37 days (I think that's it) I'll be in Cambodia! I've gone to the last 2 team meeting, and let me just say: this year is going to be mind-blowing. The team is completely different, and what we're going to be doing is completely different, I'm very happy that I have the chance to be a part of it :)

With that being said, I'm still raising money...I'll be raising support until mid April, so if you are still interested in helping, you can either mail me cash, or a check (made out to Southeastern University), or you can send me money over PayPal (e-mail me at for the info.). I know that there are still people on my team that don't have plane tickets and my prayer right now is that I will raise extra money so that I can give what I have leftover to them. So please, pray for the team as a whole that we will be able to raise the funds that we need. Not only that, but we're going to need school supplies to bring over to teach. We're going to need everything for construction paper (tons of it- we going through paper like crazy), pencils, erasers, stickers, scissors, tape, note card: anything you can think of, we need! Especially prizes for the kids. Last year, we were given simple erasers to go the ends of pencils, they came in various colors and we handed them out the the kids- you would've thought that we had given them a million dollars! Who knew someones face could light up so much at the sight of an eraser?

Well, I'm rambling...sorry about that! But those are my thoughts for the day. Thank you for your support, prayers, thoughts and love!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Full of Awe

Hey friends! I'm very sorry for not updating, but as many of you know I am a magnet for accidents! I went the ER last week as a result of a broken nose and a minor concussion (it's a long, semi-embarrassing story, so message me if you want to hear it!). That being said: I'M GOING BACK TO CAMBODIA! I still need to raise $445.00 for the rest of the trip, but my plane ticket will be purchased.

I can't even begin to explain all of the emotions within me- excitement, awe, fear, love...and everything in between. To be honest I kind of gave up hope in the middle of last week: there was no chance that I was going to get back to Cambodia. It had gotten to a point where I needed to raise $785.00 in a matter of two days- Impossible? I thought so. But I was proven wrong! When I was given the final $300.00 on Wednesday night, to get my plane ticket, I was screaming and crying my eyes out. I could not being to fathom what had occurred, I was simply flabbergasted. For something that I was told was going to be impossible, became a reality. My roommate, Jenna, celebrated with me as the dream became reality.

Days following, I had a chance to Skype with my little sister, and best friend Sopheary from Cambodia. I finally broke the news to her :) A week prior to this conversation, Sopheary called me, and I asked for her to pray for me. I didn't give any details, but I just needed help to do something. Well, as you may guess I needed help deciding if Cambodia was a possibility for the summer. Needless to say, having the chance to tell her that I was coming back, was amazing. Tears, smiles, and laughter were all shed. I can't wait to see her, and the others and have the chance to hold them in my arms once again. Thank you for the support! If you would like to donate, I have a PayPal set up...please e-mail me at and I can give you the info. to donate to my trip. Or, if you prefer sending cash or a check, e-mail me and I can give you that info. as well. Thanks :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fears of my heart

I've become very blessed through this whole process and cannot thank everyone enough for their support! I'm learning a lot along the way and one of the biggest things that I've had to deal with is a question that was asked of me a few weeks ago: If I were not a Christian would I still love humanity. Now, I don't denounce my faith in anyway by saying this, but I believe that I would. Many of my friends and family (the majority in fact) do not share the same faith as me and that is something I greatly appreciate. Of course I would love it if everyone thought the same way I did, but I would never grow...and that would be a pretty boring life!

I say all of this because many have been timid to donate towards the trip because it is a Christ-centered one. Honestly, I can understand the timidity, but it doesn't take just a person from that Christian faith to see hurt in the world. People will often hear me talking about "my kids" because that is how I truly see them- they are a part of me. My fear, as or right now, is not being able to raise enough money for the trip- my fear is having all this become possible and given the chance to go back. Am I afraid to ? Of course! It's what keeps me up a night- do I have faith that God is going to protect me? Sure! But I also have this fear that if I go on the trip I won't be focused on what I'm doing: teaching English.

As I've already mentioned to some of you this trip is set up differently then ones I've been on in the past. We'll be at the orphanage I've been going to for a shorter period so that we can bring Southeastern students to different areas in Cambodia to start teaching in other parts. I'm still not sure if I'm strong enough to only spend a few days with my kids- to be in the same country as them, but not be near them. That's my fear, and I know I'll have to face it at some point. Raising money for this trip is one of the hardest (and most inconvenient) things I've had to do this semester. had actually planned on doing nothing and relaxing after graduation. Now, I'm left with the possibility of going to a third world country the weekend I graduate from college.

Monday, March 12, 2012

OH! The wait...

Well, as of right now I still need $785.00 by the end of the week to by my plane ticket to Cambodia. Am I freaking out? Well, yeah just a bit ;) I keep trying to remind myself that whatever the outcome's going to be OK! I had the chance to talk to my little sister Sopheary the other day (yes, the one in Cambodia) and I finally told her what I had been doing- well, she told me not to worry. "Even if you don't raise enough money, that is still in God's will too." Well, let's just say that I've been trying to keep that in mind, but I'm not going to give up! I can't close this door before I even try to open it. So, please continue to spread the word and help me raise support!